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Making Of...Friends!

I watched a featurette all about the hit sitcom Friends and I learned a lot about the process of creating the show and what it takes for a show to become successful. I did not know the process in which it takes to make the comedy aspect in the show actually funny. I knew that screenplay writing is very difficult but I was unaware of the fact that jokes and certain lines are constantly being revised while on set by different crew members and audience members. I didn’t know that there were four different cameras on set of the show, and of any show at all. I also didn’t know that the live studio audience was actual fans of the show, I had assumed they were just normal people. The cast and crew went through many different ups and downs while creating the show. A major hardship was making sure each take had enough continuity. I learned that while creating a comedy tv show, the hardest part is not breaking any kind of flow. This is why the script is a vital aspect of the show. The crew also created the entire set which was most certainly not an easy process. The process of going from script to screen was definitely a journey. The scriptwriters would spend hours at the writer's table trying to create a script with jokes that are actually funny. After the process of writing the script, the executive producers would then block the episodes with cast members, and make many adjustments to the script as a whole, tweaking jokes and also asking for input from audience members and other members of the crew. I would love to work on a film set. I think that everyone's role on a set is so important and without the help of even someone with a smaller responsibility, the film/television show would not be made. Set design, script writing, camera work, directing, editing in post-production, floor, and screen directing, are all roles that definitely speak to me, however, I think I belong behind the camera. As much as I enjoy acting in films, I think that my vision is very clear and with lots of training and the learning from others, I believe I could be a Director of Photography. It would be my dream to do the cinematography for a big film. I also think I would enjoy assistant directing. An assistant director is very good at making sure every detail of the film is up to speed. The accommodate every role: making sure the scripts are finalized, the cast members are prepared, and that the show/movie is ready to be filmed. I think that the behind the scenes work done on a movie is just as important, if not more, than what you see on screen. When I watch movies, I like to think about what went in to making it come alive, and the journey it took to get it where it was.

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