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2nd Top 100 Movie

I recently watched Bohemian Rhapsody, a movie that is ranked on the top 100 movie list of 2018 on IMDB. The movie was directed by Bryan Singer and starred Rami Malek who played Freddie Mercury. The movie is about Queen and their legacy, specifically the mark that the iconic and unstoppable Freddie Mercury left behind. The film follows the progress of the band, starting from when they just started, all the way to the end, when they performed at the Live Aid concert of 1985, one of, if not the most, well-known Queen performance.

 What I loved most about the film was the way they were able to show the progression and growth of Freddie Mercury. He is first seen as a shy, a British man with buck teeth approach the already formed band backstage at one of their shows in London, where he asks if he can audition to be their lead singer. We never get to see his life when he was growing up on Zanzibar, or his lifelong childhood devotion to rock and roll. We see him already like a star in the making. The singers allow him to and the second he begins to perform his original song, the band knows that they found a star. The film also shows Freddie's difficulty in dealing with his sexuality. Being homosexual at this time is seen as shameful and unacceptable. However, Freddie never lets this internal struggle get in the way of his creativity and rise to success. He is truly the mastermind behind the band and their notable music style and uniqueness (they fall into their own category of music). For example, we get to see the scene where Freddie pitches the idea of Bohemian Rhapsody to their music producer, who is nothing but skeptical. A song including several different genres such as pop, rock, and most importantly, opera, had never been done before in the history of music. Despite the disbelief Freddie receives from his team, he and the band decided to make the song instead. They rent out an old, deserted house in the middle of nowhere and spend days working on creating and perfecting one of the best songs that have ever been made. It is truly remarkable to see what it was really like - the pain and endeavors that they went through - for the band to create the song. What I loved about the movie was the cinematography. The way the concert scenes were filmed was remarkable. The number of extras, pre-production, and hours and hours of rehearsing that went into making it truly shows. I also loved Malek’s performance, among almost every other aspect of the film. Not only was he able to completely transform into the role of Mercury, but he made me truly see who Freddie Mercury was and how he will always be remembered. The music in the film was exceptional. Famous songs such as “We Will Rock You”, “Another One Bites the Dust”, “We Are the Champions” and of course, “Bohemian Rhapsody” was included in the film. Getting to hear Queen's music made the film feel nostalgic and emotional, knowing that even though it is a new generation their music will continue to inspire and motivate the world. 

I would highly recommend this film. If you are a Queen fan of if you don’t even know who Queen is, you will still enjoy the film. It is filled with incredible acting, music, cinematography and directing, and the actors in the movie truly transformed into the band, making me feel like I was right there with them, throughout their journey as a band.

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