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I Interviewed Sarah

I sat down with Sarah Klang and interviewed her about her experience coming to America, live back in Germany, and her what sport she enjoys to play. I felt that It was fairly easy to interview Sarah. She was very good at answering questions and appeared very well on camera. It felt very casual talking with her, and because she has such an interesting life, the questions I asked her came to mind very quickly. The editing process was also easy for me. I threw together all of the a-roll first, and then found lots of video clips from youtube (a lot of drone shots and photos from google). I then paired it all with music ( I choose my favorite Frank Ocean song instrumental version). Then to clean it up, I added the title text and added letterbox to all of the clips. If I had more time I would've played with the audio and color correction, but overall the process was great!

My Interview
I DP'ed
My Interview
Interviews #2
I Interviewed

Getting interviewed was a very easy process! I have grown to feel a lot more comfortable in front of the camera throughout this process and I felt very relaxed and ready to answer all of the questions that I was being asked. I typically would prefer being behind the camera and actually filming the shot, instead of being the main focus point, but the interview itself was easy and enjoyable to make. The questions that I was asked were not difficult to respond to, and I felt that my presence on camera reflected that well. I think that with time, my comfort level on camera will adapt. It is still slightly nerve-wracking being in front of lights and 3 of my other peers answering questions. I usually feel anxious about how I look or if I am able to answer the question without stuttering. With practice, I think these issues will be solved! Overall, It was a fun experience. 

Setting up and filming this shot was not hard, although there are a few things that I wish I had done differently with the shot. First off, the camera is at a slight angle, which obviously is something that can be adjusted in the post-production process, but it would've made things a lot easier if I had just made sure the shot was straight. I also think in terms of location-wise, we should've filmed indoors because the wind made the background audio sound not the best. I think that the lighting is very nice and the camera is perfectly in focus too. I love having my hands on the camera and being able to direct the way the shot looks, so overall I enjoyed the process of being the DP!

My Interview

Interviewing Jordan was a fun process. I did not have specific questions in mind of what to ask her, but as the interview got going, I was able to formulate what to say. Jordan was really comfortable in front of the camera which made the process for me very easy. It felt like we were just having a normal conversation. The editing process was also pretty easy. Considering this was the second time around I knew what clips to find so the process was easy. 


Interview #3

I interviewed Logan

Being in front of the camera this time around was much better. I think that I seemed engaged but also calm in front of the camera yet composed. I also was smiling the entire time which I think made for a positive atmosphere. I think my answers to each question were also thorough and well thought out. I have learned throughout this process that I am able to come up with my answers on the spot and don't need much time to prepare them on camera. I also do not get as anxious/nervous, which would normally affect how I respond to the questions. This did not happen, which was great!

Unfortunately, the footage for Mary's interview got lost, so this interview was the one Mary edited, of me. DP'ing was a very fun process. When setting up the shot, I knew I wanted to have good composition so I made sure to put a magazine holder with magazines on the back shelf. I also tried to make sure the background was completely out of focus to make the shot look better. I also made sure that the camera was set up correctly so that way the angle of the shot was nice and composed, that way I would've to have to change the framing of it in the post process. Overall, I enjoyed it. 

My Interview
Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 11.05.39
Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 11.05.40

Unfortunately, uploading this video was nearly impossible. I tried to put it through iMovie, ClipMonkey and tried so many other alternatives but my laptop is broken and storage is low and I just had complication over-complication. But I did do the interview so I included some screenshots to prove this. I enjoyed interviewing Logan. I had questions in my head of what I wanted to say before saying them so I was very prepared for this. The editing process also did not take time at all. Considering this was the third time doing these interviews and I did them last semester last year, I knew exactly how to properly include b roll over the a roll and tie the interview together. 

I enjoyed being interviewed. This was the final time around in this interview process, so at this point, I felt very comfortable behind the camera. I think that I could've had a little bit more energy in my interview, but I think I answered the questions in-depth and was able to help put the interview together with what I was saying in my answers. Overall, very comfortable process. 

My Interview

I never was able to get the interview that Gwen had edited. I can probably get it in time by Monday but I will be able to have it. I was the DP so I can explain this process. It was slightly difficult to get the shot set up perfectly because of the lighting that day. It was super sunny where we were sitting so the shadows were a big issue. We also had a little bit of difficulty setting up the framing of the shot. We knew we wanted to use the rule of thirds to make sure the shot was concise, however, the lighting was really bad when trying to do this. Eventually, we got the shot we wanted!

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