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Gawlik Film Assignment - Lockdown PSA

Lockdown PSA
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In order to make this film, it took a lot of pre production. I knew instantly that I wanted to make a PSA about a lockdown because I think that the issue itself is something that everyone needs to get a close glimpse of. I also knew I wanted to make a PSA about a lockdown because it interests me, and I knew that I could make it very enticing/engaging for the audience (who I knew would be predominantly students). I already had a vision in mind, so I pitched the idea to my friend, Carson, who liked the idea and helped me come up some of the shots. I had to email Mrs. Strain and ask her if we could use her room to film during flex block. After we got the “Ok” we made sure that we had 12 extras from our cinema class to be in the film. I also made the descion that I wanted to use the slider tripod which caused a little bit of difficulty in terms of the composition of the shot/framwork. We filmed and it went well, however, I was not pleased with the shots and I knew that if I wanted to make the best film, one that met my standards, that I had to re-shoot. So we re-shot. I made sure that the lighting was much better, I made sure that the movement of the slider tripod was even and not too slow or not too fast and it worked out well. When we shot Olivia, who was our extra who runs through the halls in the second half of the film, I had to make sure that the shots were steady and even. We were able to film this portion of the film in one take. Considering we filmed this during flex block, we had our friend block off the hallways and also told the teachers in the classrooms that we were filming in the hallway. This film also required a lot of post-production. I needed to record my own sound effects, such as when Olivia is running through the hallway and yanking on the door knobs. I then embedded them into the film but had to make sure that they lined up perfectly with the shot. You can see this in the screenshots below. Overall, the process took a lot of pre and post production and I am proud of the final project. 

9/11 Documentary
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Carson and I have also been working on a 9/11 documentary this semester that we hope to make a year long project. I decided to make this project about watching Mr. Stefanak speak at assembly. His story inspired me and I knew that it had to be told. We have interviewed Mr. Stefanak at the fire station and also Rabbi Micheal Cohen, who was a Rabbi on ground zero who visited several times throughout his time working in New York City. Getting to interview him was extremely touching. He read from his book and getting to hear his close and personal experience was truly an incredible experience. We are still piecing together the interview and have to interview one more person before we make our trek down to NYC to film the class portion of the documentary before I finally piece it all together. I am beyond proud of the work we have done thus far.

Film is not done! 
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